Friday 21 November 2008

In the beginning

I always had thick hair. You know, the type of hair that could take heat, relaxers, braids - you name it and yet there is was, as thick as it always was. In addition, I have always been a fan of short hair styles so this just complement my overall hair look.

However, in recent months (old age perhaps) my hair has been shedding and breaking and generally taking longer to grow back. I was thinking about what I have been doing differently; and it came to me - I am no longer hair obsessed.

I used to look after my hair, deep condition, moisturise etc and I was consistent with it. Saturday mornings were about me and my hair and that was that. I was also a product junkie and felt I was more in tune with what my hair needed.

Bottom line is that I got lazy and my hair is the kind of hair that if treated well will treat me well; if not, then oh well.

So, as of November 1st 2008 I am on a quest to bring sexy (hair) back.

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